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Ohio State Fair 2023
Nautica Queen Cleveland’s Dining Cruise Ship
On Saturday July 23, 2023 Carolyn’s Law Petition committee enjoyed a marvelous luncheon, great fellowship on the Nautica Queen ship in Cleveland Ohio with over 175 persons. Special thanks to Ms. Patricia Franklin.
SEIU Video July 13, 2023
Please help support Carolyn’s Law Petition for the State of Ohio Website: Email: INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors AMENDMENT TITLE Nursing Facility Patients’ Bill of Rights SUMMARY This Amendment would add section 12a to Article XV of the Ohio Constitution to require certain staff-to-patient ratios in nursing facilities and require certain minimum daily amounts of [...]
Carolyn’s Law Fifth Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser on Friday, May 26, 2023 Review
More than 100 persons joined the Carolyn’s Law Fifth Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser on Friday, May 26, 2023 at Gambitta’s Party Center in Northfield, Ohio kicking off Memorial Day Weekend 2023. Guests were treated to beautiful music by Herb Wilborn, Jr. and dinner. Throughout the night, as Herb Wilborn, Jr. and the all-star city band played, guests were rocking in their seats, stroking their imaginary guitars, daydreaming, and simply enjoying the [...]
Carolyn’s Law, Inc. 5th Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser Friday May 26, 2023
A 2023 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND CELEBRATION OF CAROLYN’S LAW PETITION PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE WITH LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, DINNER, DANCING AND APPRECIATION OF PETITION CIRCULATORS PURCHASE TICKETS AT EVENTBRITE.COM OR CALL Mr. JESSE J RUFFIN, JR. 216-701-2300, Mr. JIM POPE Sr. 216-401-0498, MRS. CARRIE REEVES 216-7021815, Ms. VANESSA BROWN 216-403-2082 Sponsors Gold $2,000.00 -2 Tables of 8, Presentation, Advertising Bronze $1,000.00- 1 Table of 8, Presentation, Advertising Silver [...]
Carolyn’s Law, Inc. Attended IX Center Cleveland Home and Remodeling Expo March 24-26, 2023
Carolyn's Law, Inc. Attended IX Center Cleveland Home and Remodeling Expo March 24-26, 2023 Special Thanks to Senator Kenneth Yuko for his support!