Why Sign?

Due to staffing shortages in nursing homes and long-term care facilities in Ohio, there has been a lack of quality and safe care practices where patients’ needs are not met in a timely manner. In turn, staffing shortages leads to burnout, medical errors, and neglect, which results in damage, debilitating injury, harm or even death in patients. Your signature for this initiative petition to pass Carolyn’s Law under Ohio Legislation is very crucial. By signing this initiative petition, you hereby validate your support for Carolyn’s Law.

  • Get involved.

  • Voice your opinion.

  • Make a Difference.

  • Concern for humanity.

  • Be a part of the solution.

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Support The Petition Today!

Let’s help pass legislation in Ohio to mandate nurse-to-patient ratios and state-tested nurse aide-to-patient ratios from the average of 20 to 25 patients to 5 to 6 patients in skilled nursing homes and 8 to 10 patients in long-term care facilities.
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